Forced to say goodbye to it all
West Coast
1 month ago we had to leave our home because the header tank exploded. Little did we know it would be the last time we would ever walk out that door. We are living in a 0 bedroom unit with our 13 year old and 15 month old and have lost everything we own because of water damage and possible asbestos exposure. We have a new home to go to but nothing to put in it. Work and income have denied us from any financial help. We aren’t the type of people who like to ask for help but this is our last option.
Any money donated will go towards replacing all the items we have lost
Furniture, kitchen items, bedding, clothing.
Media article 20 July 2022
We knew Kainga Ora and Msd would come back with something ridiculous but this has absolutely blown my mind! We got turned down for any Help by winz except a $60 clothing grant and a $50 food grant. As for us apparently turning down a house in Cobden ? The house we are moving to is in Cobden there was no other house in Cobden!